Pierre Hauser

Fiction Writer

New York, NY
New York US

Author's Bio

Pierre Hauser has published 15 stories in literary journals and is working on a novel about a male nanny. He is co-founder and co-president of the Daphne Foundation, which supports grass-roots groups in New York City that creatively confront the causes and consequences of poverty. He has written several history books for young adult readers. He has also worked as a park ranger, reporter, editor, and punk rock drummer. He has degrees from Yale, Columbia, and the New School.

Publications & Prizes

Alligator Juniper
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Driftwood Review
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Northeast Corridor
Quercus Review
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Santa Clara Review
Prizes won: 

He won the Bomb magazine annual fiction award and the Arthur Edelstein Prize for Short Fiction. He has been a finalist in contests held by the Iowa Review, Boulevard, Crazyhorse, Arts & Letters, The Cincinnati Review, Washington Square Review, Phoebe, and Night Train, among others.

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Identifies as: 
Italian American
Prefers to work with: 
Born in: 
San Francisco
Raised in: 
San Francisco, CA
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: May 20, 2011