Barbra Nightingale


Hollywood, FL
Florida US

Author's Bio

200 poems are published in literary magazines and anthologies, including Barrow Street, Kansas Quarterly, Coydog Review, Red Hen, Sliver of Stone, The Florida Review, The Chatahoochie Review, Mississippi Review, The Liberal Media Made Me Do It, and Grabbed. Seven books of poetry include Lovers Never Die, Lunar Equations, Prelude to a Woman, Singing in the Key of L (NFPS 1999 Stevens Prize Winner), Geometry of Dreams, Two Voices, One Past, and Alphalexia. Barbra Nightingale is a Professor Emeritus from Broward College and is currently an Associate Editor with the South Florida Poetry Journal. 

Publications & Prizes

Having a Wonderful Time (Harcourt Brace, 1997)
Greatest Hits (Pudding House Publications, 2000)
Singing in the Key of L (NFSPS Press, 1999)
Lunar Equations (East Coast Editions, 1993)
Lovers Never Die (Pteranodon Press, 1981)
Apalachee Quarterly
Barrow Street
, ,
Comstock Review
, ,
Many Mountains Moving
Mi Po Print
Mississippi Review
Prizes won: 

1999 Stevens Poetry Manuscript Award, Singing in the Key of L. Finalist and semi-finalist in Aningha and other contests, including the Bluestem. Awarded an Atlantic Center for the Arts residency, and a Mosal Scholars award, as well as an Endowed Teaching Chair (1997), and again in 2010.

Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Margaret Atwood, Sharon Olds, Alicia Ostriker, James Tate, Pablo Neruda, Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot, too many others to mention!

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Identifies as: 
Fluent in: 
Born in: 
Chicago, IL
Raised in: 
Chicago, IL
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Dec 28, 2020