Bassam Sidiki

Poet, Creative Nonfiction Writer

Author's Bio

Bassam Sidiki is a Pakistani-American writer, scholar, editor, and critic. He creative nonfiction and poetry engage with migration, illness, philosophy, and the history of empire. 

Publications & Prizes

Creative Nonfiction


Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine (Hippocrates Press, 2018)
Aleph Review
, ,
Wrongdoing Magazine
Prizes won: 

2021 Hopwood Graduate Nonfiction Award, Commendation for 2018 Hippocrats Prize for Poetry and Medicine, Honorable Mention for 2012 Ora Mary Phelam Poetry Prize

Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Edward Said, Susan Sontag, Michael Ondaatje, Zadie Smith, Salman Rushdie, Toni Morisson, George Eliot, Kazuo Ishiguro, Eula Biss, Agha Shahid Ali, Cathy Park Hong, Orhan Pamuk, William Carlos Williams, Natalie Diaz, Mark Doty

More Information

Identifies as: 
Asian American
Fluent in: 
English, Urdu
Born in: 
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Nov 18, 2021