Siavash Saadlou



Author's Bio

Siavash Saadlou is a writer and literary translator whose short stories and essays have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. His poems have been anthologized in Odes to Our Undoing: Writers Reflecting on Crisis (Risk Press) and Essential Voices: Poetry of Iran and Its Diaspora (Green Linden Press). His translations of Mohammad-Ali Sepanlou have earned him the 55th Cole Swensen Prize for Translation and an honorable mention in the inaugural Stephen Mitchell Prize for Best Poetry in Translation. He holds an MFA in creative writing from Saint Mary's College of California.

Publications & Prizes

Asymptote, essays by Aida Moradi Ahani, translated from the Persian
Asymptote, a poem by Mohammad-Ali Sepanlou, translated from the Persian
Asymptote, a poem by Rasool Yoonan, translated from the Persian
Epiphany, a poem by Mohammad-Ali Sepanlou, translated from the Persian
Los Angeles Review, a poem by Mohammad-Ali Sepanlou, translated from the Persian
Mayday Magazine, a story by Aida Moradi Ahani, translated from the Persian
Mayday Magazine, a story by Sara Saadlou, translated from the Persian
Scoundrel Time, a story by Aida Moradi Ahani, translated from the Persian
Two Lines, a poem by Mohammad-Ali Sepanlou, translated from the Persian
Prizes won: 

2023 Constance Rooke Nonfiction Prize
The 55th Cole Swensen Prize for Translation

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
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Fluent in: 
English, Persian
Born in: 
Raised in: 
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Sep 25, 2023