Seaport Seminar - The New Weird (In-Person!)

11/17/2021 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm

"The New Weird" is term coined by M. John Harrison to describe the last thirty years' development of speculative fiction, work that defies expectations and seeks to inspire, disrupt, unsettle, and break through boundaries. Authors like Storm Constantine, Kelly Link, China Miéville, and Bogi Takács have continued this tradition, writing speculative fiction that usurps our expectations of science fiction and fantasy to create genre-fluid and truly "weird" tales that push the boundaries of what we expect from stories. What can we learn from the last thirty years of "New Weird?" How can we use this modern tradition to act as a springboard for our own imaginations? This course will focus on setting and characterization as key sites for exploration where we can borrow from the "New Weird." It will be a good fit for any writers hoping to break out of genre expectations, but is especially suited for fans of fantasy and science fiction. 

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