North American Review

Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize

November 1, 2024 - Check back on August 15th for Upcoming Deadline
Entry Fee: 
Cash Prize: 
E-mail address: 

A prize of $1,000 and publication in North American Review is given annually for a work of speculative fiction. Kevin Brockmeier will judge. Submit up to two works of flash fiction of 500 to 1,500 words each or one short story or novel excerpt of up to 10,000 words with a $23 entry fee, which includes an issue of North American Review, by November 1. All entries are considered for publication. Visit the website for complete guidelines.

North American Review, Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize, University of Northern Iowa, 1227 West 27th Street, Cedar Falls, IA 50614. (319) 273-6455.

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