David B. Axelrod

Poet, Creative Nonfiction Writer

Daytona Beach, FL
Florida US

Author's Bio

Dr. David B. Axelrod continues as a Volusia County , Florida, Poet Laureate, continuing after serving for 2 four-year terms (2015-2023). He also served as Suffolk County, Long Island, Poet Laureate (2007-2009). He maintains a website at www.poetrydoctor.org where he offers his services to the public. Dr. Axelrod has published in hundreds of magazines and anthologies. He has been translated into fifteen languages. He is the recipient of three Fulbright Awards including his being the first official Fulbright Poet-in-Residence in the People’s Republic of China where he also lectured as a guest of the family of President Deng Xiaoping. The New York Times described him as “A Treat!” More recently, he has recived high praise at the Sunset Series poetry evenings at Piccolo Spoleto, and in the American Book Review. Dr. Axelrod’s twenty-fourth and newest book is THE OFFICIAL RULES OF OLYMPIC BED RIDING (Bold Venture Press), available in a 2024 Olympic Commemorative Edition.  He is also recipent of a Florida Book Award, first place Gold Medal for his critical biography, Merlin Stone Remembered,  also first place with a Coalition of Visionary Resources COVR award. Dr. Axelrod is founder and and publisher of Writers Ink Press;  founder and director of Creative Happiness Institute, Inc., and President of 3WS, World Wide Writers Services. He is founder and board member of the Long Island Poetry and Archival Center and an Elder, advisor on the board of DaoUSA. 

Publications & Prizes

Thirty Three: An[niversary] Anthology (Negative Capability Press, 2014)
All Vows: New & Selected Poems (Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India, 2017)
A Dream of Feet (Cross-Cultural Communications, 2017)
The CHI of Poetry (Birnham Wood, 2017)
Merlin Stone Remembered (Llewellyn Publishing Worldwide/Midnight Ink, 2014)
Rusting: Ways to Keep Living (Taylor & Seale , 2014)
The SPEED Way: Poems about NASCAR and Growing up Around Racing and Cars (TotalRecall Publications, Inc., 2012)
How to Apologize (Paradise Islands Press, 2009)
Deciduous Poems (Ahadada Books, 2008)
The Impossiblity of Dreams (Ahadada Books, 2007)
Another Way: Poems Derived from the Tao Te Ching (Karma Dog Editions, 2005)
Introduction to Literature, 4th through 10th editions (Harper Collins, 2004)
The Universal Language (Birnham Wood, 1990)
A Perpetual Calendar of Poetry (Cross-Cultural Communications, 1988)
White Lies (La Jolla Poets Press, 1985)
Home Remedies (Cross-Cultural Communications, 1982)
The Man Who Fell in Love with a Chicken (Cross-Cultural Communications, 1980)
A Meeting of David B. Axelrod and Gnazino Russo (Cross-Cultural Communications, 1979)
Starting from Paumanok (Cross-Cultural Communications, 1973)
Myths, Dreams and Dances (DESPA Press, 1972)
Stills from a Cinema (DESPA Press, 1969)
Big City Lit
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Cyclamens and Swords
First Literary Review-East
Kansas Quarterly
Long Island Quarterly
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Negative Capability
Walt's Corner
Prizes won: 

2015 Coalition of Visionary Resources COVR Award, first place for biography for his memoir writing and editing of the book, MERLIN STONE REMEMBERED. 2014 Florida Book Award Gold Medal, first place for nonfiction for MERLIN STONE REMEMBERED. 2014 Founders' Award for his literary work with Long Island Authors Group. Three-time Small Press Review pick of the month; Recipient of the Gerard Manley Hopkins Award for his work with young poets in Ireland. Featured Poet, Universal Consciousness Festival, Estes Park, CO; Poem read into the record, Florida State Senate; Pushcart Prize nominee. Representing U.S. twice at Struga Festivals. Virginia Council on the Arts Poet in Residence. SUNY Creative Writing Grant. NYSCA, Suffolk County, Volusia County, and numerous other grants.

Personal Favorites

What I'm reading now: 
MERLIN STONE REMEMBERED by David B. Axelrod, Lenny Schneir, Carol Thomas

More Information

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Born in: 
Beverly, MA
Raised in: 
Beverly, MA
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Feb 07, 2024