Today’s GalleyCrush is Bryan Washington’s Memorial, forthcoming from Riverhead Books on October 6, 2020.

Perfect pitch: “What happens when a love story collides with the limits of love—and everyone has an opinion?”
First line: “Mike’s taking off for Osaka, but his mother’s flying into Houston.”
Big blurb: “This book, in what feels like a new vision for the twenty-first century novel, made me happy.” —Ocean Vuong
Book notes: Hardcover, fiction, 320 pages.
Author bio: Bryan Washington is a National Book Award 5 Under 35 honoree and the author of the story collection, Lot. He has written for the New Yorker, the New York Times, the New York Times Magazine, Vulture, the Paris Review, Tin House, One Story, Bon Appétit, GQ, the Awl, Catapult, and Buzzfeed. He lives in Houston.