Laurel Snyder Recommends...

“I’m an extrovert. I talk to strangers at Target, to telemarketers too. When I can’t find an actual person I turn to Twitter. When the Wi-Fi’s down, I watch TV. I live for voices.

Of course, as a writer I need silence, so I impose it on myself. I take long walks, aimless drives. But when the walk turns into a neighborly chat or the drive ends in a flat tire, I come home and shower until the water runs out. And that is where I do my best work, where I puzzle out characters and timelines. Where nothing can reach me, no phone, no e-mail. A shower is, in this technological world, the only place I can force myself to be truly alone.”
Laurel Snyder, author of The Myth of the Simple Machines (No Tell Books, 2007)

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