Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:
Ian Buruma looks at Chinese dissident Liao Yiwu’s harrowing new memoir, For a Song and a Hundred Songs, which focuses on Yiwu's years of imprisonment. Yiwu was jailed after reciting a poem in honor of pro-democracy protesters. (New Yorker)
Despite a drop in sales, Digital Book World says not to count out Barnes & Noble.
Romance fiction blog Dear Author details how to catch a plagiarist.
The Los Angeles Times showcases the most attractive book covers of 2012, as selected by the magazine Design Observer.
John Grisham’s legal thriller Time to Kill, which was made into a film in 1996, is coming to the Broadway stage. (New York Times)
Wired considers the growth of e-publishing, and suggests that the future success of major publishers is in genre fiction.
Book Riot visits the oldest bookstore in the world.
For the Rumpus, Gertrude Stein illuminates the nuances of craft beer (not really).