Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:
E-book companies Scribd and Smashwords have inked a global partnership agreement. Scribd will distribute the Smashwords catalog through its subscription resources, and offer Smashwords authors its services. (GalleyCat)
A Barnes & Noble shareholder, David Shaev, has filed a lawsuit in New York City over errors in the company’s financial reports. (Los Angeles Times)
"In this case, the writer is simply given the house, forever." A new program based in Detroit—Write A House—is offering a writing residency that never ends.
Dave Eggers discusses living in America in the wake of the NSA spying revelations: “The recent petition by Writers Against Mass Surveillance, issued last week and signed by 562 writers around the world, is an essential step toward an international digital bill of rights.” (Guardian)
Dana Stevens and Francine Prose examine Bob Dylan’s legacy, and debate the question: Is Dylan a songwriter or a poet? (New York Times)
Tyler Coates offers his favorite cover designs of the year, including Alissa Nutting’s Tampa. (Flavorwire)
Meanwhile, for the sixth straight year, literary blogger Largehearted Boy has compiled every Best of 2013 list that exists online.