“I recommend getting to know the time of day when you write best and guard it as zealously as possible. If you can, work day jobs that keep that time free. If that isn’t possible, which it often isn’t,
try to carry a small notebook and get a couple of five-minute stretches for idea generation—if that’s impossible memorize a few lines or write on your hand. Often all we need is a few words to key in on our imagination. When you are writing I recommend stopping midthought or at a point where you know what the next move or few lines will be. I find when I do that I can start writing very quickly the next day because it gives me a way in, whereas returning to where I am stuck over and over becomes demoralizing. When refining, try reading your work in nonsensical Charlie Brown adult voice (wa, wawa, wa wawawa). It’s a good way to listen for repetitive rhythms and breath.”
—Vanessa Veselka, author of Zazen (Red Lemonade, 2011)