Bart Midwood

Creative Nonfiction Writer, Fiction Writer, Poet, Spoken Word Artist

Brooklyn, NY
New York US

Author's Bio

In an article in Esquire, Isaac Singer wrote
that Bart Midwood was "the first writer in English
to give the word humoristic freedom."

"Bodkin" (Random House)
"Phantoms" (E.P. Dutton)
"Bennett's Angel" (British/American, Paris Review Editions)
"The Nativity" (Bel Esprit)
"The World In Pieces" (Permanent)

FICTION IN PERIODICALS: Esquire, Atlantic Monthly, Paris Review, TransAtlantic Review,
Dutton Review, Agni, Queen, Nagy Vilag

FILM: Narrative script and musical score, "End of the Dialog",
award-winning documentary about apartheid in South Africa.

STAGEPLAY PRODUCTIONS: St. Clemens, Judith Anderson. Storefront.

Sole and primary book reviewer for Esquire, late sixties and early seventies.

FELLOWSHIPS: Guggenheim, NEA, Iowa Writers' Workshop
LITERARY PRIZES: Aga Khan, Robert Frost.
MUSIC PRIZES: National Sinfonian ( composition, string quartet)

Born in Brooklyn New York, March 10, 1938, 9:01 pm.
Three grandparents born in Russia, one in Vienna.
Mother, Lily, born in Albany, New York.
Father, Charles, born on a cattle ranch
in either Brazil or Argentina --
in any case, near the border.

B.A. University of Miami, full music scholarship, double major:English/biology;
Graduate school, National Defense fellowship in humanities).

U.S. Army: 1961-7

Certified Master Piano Tuner by London College of Furniture and Design.

Resided and worked: New York, Florida, South Carolina, Iowa, California, Yucatan, England, China

Five children: Ramsay, Rebecca, Jacob, Sam, Flora.

Married since 1988 to Dr. Laura Melim Midwood, Esq., PhD, JD.

Publications & Prizes


The World in Pieces (Permanent Press, 1999)
Bennett's Angel (British-American Paris Review Editions, 1989)
The Nativity (Bel Esprit, 1981)
Phantoms (Dutton, 1970)
Bodkin (Random House, 1967)

Spoken Word

Performances: website (2008)
Nassau County libraries (1998)
WBAI radio (1981)
West End Cafe (1975)
Prizes won: 

Robert Frost Prize for Poetry

Aga Khan Prize for Humor

Guggenheim Fellowship for Literature

NEA Fellowship for Literature

National Sinfonian Award for Composition of String Quartet

Personal Favorites

What I'm reading now: 
Collected Stories by Somerset Maugham

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Prefers to work with: 
Fluent in: 
Born in: 
Raised in: 
Brooklyn, NY
New York
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Dec 06, 2013