Oisín Breen


United Kingdom

Author's Bio

Oisín Breen is an Irish poet, doctoral candidate in narratological complexity at the University of Edinburgh, and financial journalist covering the registered investment advisory space in the US. He is published as a poet and short story writer in 133 journals in 24 countries, including in Agenda, Southword, North Dakota Quarterly, Books Ireland, Door is a Jar, Northern Gravy, Quadrant, Decomp, and The Tahoma Literary Review.

Overall, he has 253 poems, a small number of short stories, and at least 500 articles and essays to his name.

Dublin-born Breen's second collection, the widely reviewed and highly praised second collection, Lilies on the Deathbed of Étaín & Other Poems, a Scotsman newspaper book of the year for 2023 is available through Downingfield Press, here:


And here (as well as through most good bookshops): https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0645231819

His critically aclaimed debut collection, Flowers, all sorts in blossom, figs, berries, and fruits, forgotten was released Mar. 2020 by Edinburgh’s Hybrid/Dreich Press. (https://hybriddreich.co.uk/product/oisin...)

Breen's third collection, The Kergyma, is slated for release in 2025, through Salmon Poetry.

Primarily a proponent of long-form style-orientated poetry infused with the philosophical, Breen has been published (as a poet) in About Place, La Piccioletta Barca, Books Ireland, North Dakota Quarterly, Northern Gravy, the Seattle Star, Modern Literature, Drunk Monkeys, Dreich, New English Review, Metaworker, Mono, Crow of Minerva, the Madrigal, Black Poppy, Permeable Barrier, Visual Verse, Meniscus Australia, In Parentheses, Kairos, Discretionary Love, Loch Raven Review, The Gyroscope Review, The Saltbush Review, the Banyon Review, Phantom Kangaroo, Griffel, Door is a Jar, The Ogham Stone, Gaia Literary Review, New Note, Cathexis North West, Wingless Dreamer, Yellerzine, ShabdAaweg, Stepaway, Roadrunner Review, Nevermore,  The Belfast Review, Free State Review, Big Windows, Ground Up, Inklette, Euphony, Interim, Roi Fainéant, Thieving Magpie, MIROnline, Sibyl, New Critique, Reservoir Road, Decomp, Grub Street, WRFL, New Feathers Anthology, Oxford Middle East Review, Lucent Dreaming, Heartwood, Universe, Fiery Scribe, Zvona i Nari, October Hill, Red Ogre, Poetica, Drawn to the Light, AvantAppalachia, Stratford Quarterly, the Blue Nib, Kamena, Amphora Magazine, the Kleksograph, Riverbed Review, the Unbound Brooklyn Journal, Mortal Mag, Genuine Gold, Postscript, the Ocotillo Review, the Bosphorus Review, Book of Matches, The Tahoma Literary Review, Crowvus, Expanded Field, Revolute, Aji, Griffel, Seventh Quarry, Camas, the Martello, Inverted Syntax, Active Muse, Sunday Mornings at the River, Soundings  East, Consilience, New Plains Review, the Elevation Review, Milk House, Pangyrus, Spectra, Rock & Sling, Die Leere Mitte, Thimble, the Exacting Clam, Nether, Lotus Eater, NōD, Agenda, Crest, Coffin Bell, Punt Volat, Amphibian, Twenty-Two-Twenty-Eight, Across the Margins, Pinhole Poetry, Wise Owl, Blue Lake Review, Crowstep, Poetry Wales, Coalition for Digital Narratives, Sybil, the Mantelpiece, and in the anthologies An Áitiúil, Autumn Noir, Penned Poetry for Parkinson's Research, and Spirit of Fire and Dust.

He also has work forthcoming in Quadrant, Abstract, Southword, The Literary Hatchet, Carmina, Delta Poetry Review, Fresh Words, and Poetry NorthWest.

Twitter: @Breen

Bluesky: @oisinbreen.bsky.social

Mastodon: @Breen@mastodon.ie

In non-fiction, Breen is published in the Blue Mountain Review, as a social journalist, RIABiz.com as a financial journalist, FXStreet, as a foreign exchange trade reporter, where he was nominated as writer of the year, and SeekingAlpha as a stock analyst.

Selected podcasts include:

An analysis with a light-heart of Lilies on the Deathbed of Étaín: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/...

Discussion on writing, and including a performance of 'The Lapwing', here: https://northerngravy.com/podcast-3/

Discussion on writing, philosophy, and a performance of 'The Borderland Furies', here: https://themetaworker.com/2023/03/13/pod...

Poems available to read online include:

What the Fire Talks (Punt Volat): https://puntvolatlit.com/what-the-fire-t...

Two Poems (Coalition): https://coalitionfordigitalnarratives.or...

Three Poems (Across the Margins): https://acrossthemargin.com/three-poems-...

Time moves swiftly even through the leaves of trees (the Seattle Star): https://www.seattlestar.net/2021/04/time...

October (the Seattle Star):

The Path to Wonder Ever Carries Traces of Oblivion (the Bosphorus Review):

Cold Stone Does Not Carry Meaning (Visual Verse):

The Borderland Furies (Metaworker):

Thirst and Vigil (La Piccioletta Barca):

Fatherhood and Sunday Afternoon (In Parentheses):

An Auguring of Winter to Come (New English Review):

The Ruins Near Tongue (New English Review):

Cathecism, and Winter (New English Review):

On Property (Mono): https://www.monofiction.org/post/on-prop...

The Ferryman (Zvona i Nari): https://www.zvonainari.hr/single-post/oi...

Reviews include:

Lilies on the Deathbed of Étaín:

The Scotsman: https://www.scotsman.com/arts-and-cultur...

World Literature Today: https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/202...

The Washington Independent Review of Books: https://www.washingtonindependentreviewo...

Flowers, All Sorts in Blossom, Figs, Berries and Fruits Forgotten:

The Seattle Star: https://www.seattlestar.net/2021/03/befo...

World Literature Today: https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/202...

The Mechanics Institute Review: http://mironline.org/reviewoisinbreen/

Interviews include:

BOMB Magazine: https://bombmagazine.org/articles/2024/0...ín-breen-by-thomas-beeson/

Sybil: https://www.sybiljournal.com/news/2024/2...

The Milk House: https://www.themilkhouse.org/interview-o...

Publications & Prizes

Spirit of Fire and Dust (Silhouette, 2022)
Autumn Noir (Unsettling Reads, 2021)
Breath of Love (Wingless Dreamer, 2021)
The Kerygma (Salmon Poetry (Ireland), 2025)
Lilies on the Deathbed of Étaín and other Poems (Beir Bua Press, 2023)
Flowers, All Sorts in Blossom, Figs, Berries, and Fruits Forgotten (Dreich Press, 2020)
Journals: ,
Abstract Magazine
Across the Margin
Active Muse
Aji Magazine
Amphora Review
Banyan Review
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Black Poppy Review
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Book of Matches
Bosphorus Review of Books
Cathexis Northwest Press
Coffin Bell
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Delta Poetry Review
Die Leere Mitte
Discretionary Love
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Door is a Jar Magazine
Drawn to the Light Press
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Elevation Review
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Exacting Clam
Fiery Scribe Review
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, , ,
Heartwood Literary Magazine
In Parentheses
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Kairos Literary Magazine
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Loch Raven Review
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Madrigal Press
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New English Review
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New Note Poetry
New Orphic Review
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Ogham Stone
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Poetica Review
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Poetry Wales
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Reservoir Road Literary Review
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Roi Fainéant Press
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Seventh Quarry
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Spectra Poets
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The Literary Hatchet
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Unbound Brooklyn Journal
Visual Verse: An Anthology of Art and Words
ZiN Daily
Zygote in My Coffee

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Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Jan 23, 2025