
Publications & Prizes
Second place poetry award for "Mountain Confessional" Tennessee Mountain Writers Association, 2021.
Honorable Mention poetry award for "Let Them Go to the Waters" Tennessee Mountain Writers Association, 2022.
First place poetry award George Scarbrough Prize for Poetry for "My Mother's Children," and "Where Have all the Paws Paws Gone" Mountain Heritage Literary Festival, Lincoln Memorial University 2022.
Featured poet 38 poems September1999 Kookamonga Square:
There is Something Here, Human Circumference, I Image, To Her, Ah, English,
Lakota Squash, Bonsai Rock, August, Unsexed Virgin, When In Regard, The Snake Eggs, Sawhain is Gone Now, The Long Millenium, The Garden of Eden et al.
Featured poet December 2013 Poetry Repairs: Of Ford and Entropy; Eve’s Two Choices; Self Emperor; Structure of Mime; Sex and Edgar Alan Poe; Sunday Night; The Postmodern Paradox; After Paradise, Eve’s Lover; Born in 1956; Einstein’s Pleasantville; Paranoia; Stopping by Her Woods on a Rainy Afternoon.
Featured poet June 2014 Poetry Super Highway : Nostalgia.
Featured poet September 2015 Poetry Super Highway: Nostalgia in the Bones.
Featured poet November 2017 Contemporary American Voices: Telegram to Wallace, Walt & Emily; The Girl in the White Dress; The Word; Without a Mirror & The Mountain and the Man.
Editor's Choice Poem of the Month April 2014 Camel Saloon: Blood Moon.
Read online on Poetry Superhighway to an international audience June 2014: Sunday Morning a Century Later: A Homage.
Featured Poet March 2017 Chapbook (e-book 35 poems) Poetry Repairs: Bergman's Island & Other Poems.
Audio Recording In Praise of Spoken Differences Subprimal Poetry: https://subprimal.com/issues/issue4/in-p...
Audio Recording Mission Subprimal Poetry: https://subprimal.com/issues/issue6/miss...
1976, Lincoln Memorial University. First place in creative writing for Poetry in the Sand.
1979, Tennecon, Tennessee Science Fiction Writer's Conference, Knoxville TN. First place, short story: division, for Jensuni Passage.
1983, Southern Writer's Conference, Knoxville, TN. Short fiction award, Second place for Velma, et. al.
1988, Roane State Writing Center Fiction award. First place, The Run. Second place, The Squirrel Gun.
2020, Tennessee Mountain Writers poetry contest. Second place, Mountain Confessional
2021, Tennessee Mountain Writers poetry contest. Honorable Mention Let Them Go to the Waters
2022 First place poetry award George Scarbrough Prize for Poetry for "My Mother's Children," and "Where Have all the Paws Paws Gone" Mountain Heritage Literary Festival, Lincoln Memorial University 2022
Selected as featured poet and poet of the month in various literary journals.