Poet, Fiction Writer, Creative Nonfiction Writer

Publications & Prizes
Creative Nonfiction
For Fiction
- Long List for the Disquiet Prize, 2019
- Runner up for Crab Orchard Review’s Charles Johnson Fiction Award 2017
- MFA of the Americas Scholar of Fiction, 2016-2018
- John Woods Scholarship to Prague Summer Program 2012
- Sullivan Endowment for Writing Award for Fiction 2012
- Touchstone Award for Excellence in Fiction 2011
For Poetry
- The Academy of American Poets Prize 2010, 2011, 2012
For Drama
- Sullivan Endowment for Writing Award for Drama 2012
- Ann Taylor Gender Studies Award for Drama 2011, 2012
For Scholarship or Research
- Sullivan Scholarship for Creative Writing 2010-2012
- Mike Raymond Beyond the Classroom Grant 2011
- The William E. Taylor Creative Writing Award 2011
For Teaching
- Kiwanis Grant for Teaching, 2016