
Publications & Prizes
The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Firecracker Award, editor), Best Performance Poet LA Weekly, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Distinguished Service Award.
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Father, husband, working actor since 1978, Vietnam era veteran USAF.
Publishing and editing on my Rose of Sharon imprint since 1988. Published and edited (Sic) Vice & Verse, MEAT. Editorial staff for Shattersheet and The Moment. Co-founder H.I.P. (Hollywood Institute of Poetics) and WWWRN (World Wide Word Radio Network) Blog Talk Radio. Created and toured with The Poetry Bomb in 2010, a five week 11,000 mile tour in an effort to inspire and create civil disagreements. Toured the U.S. and Canada with performance poetry groups The Lost Tribe (1985-1992), The Carma Bums (1989-2009) and White Trash Apocalypse (1995-1997).
Have been a member of the advisory and curatorial boards of Beyond Baroque for several years.
Produced hundreds of readings in and around Los Angeles and across the nation.
March 2018, produced Beyond Beat with Richard Modiano, a five day celebration of the Beat Generation at Beyond Baroque.
Recipient of the first Beyond Baroque Distinguished Service Award (2011), Firecracker Award (Outlaw Bible of American Poetry), Best Performance Poet LA Weekly.
Editor and/or publisher: Sharktalk (Rose of Sharon Press, 1988) by Doug Knott, The Electric Yes Indeed! (Shelf Life Press, 1989) by Scott Wannberg, The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Thunders Mouth Press, 1999), The Outlaw's Prayer - Teaching The Dead To Sing (Rose of Sharon Press, 2006) by John Dorsey, Black Ace 8 (Temple of Man, 2007), An Interview with Ted Berrigan (Rose of Sharon Press, 2013) by John Dorsey, Natural Geographics (Rose of Sharon Press, 2014) by M. Lane Bruner, The Official Language of Yes (Perceval Press, 2015) by Scott Wannberg, The Hideous Bible (Rose of Sharon Press, 2016) by The Lost Bums, lost bastard chronicles (Rose of Sharon Press, 2017) by mark hartenbach, Stories of Civil Bend (Rose of Sharon Press, 2019) Lee Roy Bruner, Why Must You Say These Things Out Loud (Rose of Sharon Press, 2020) Michael Lane Bruner, Hard to Say in a Way That Might Be Heard (Rose of Sharon Press, 2021) Michael Lane Bruner and Mike M Mollett, The Forbidden Lunchbox and Other Poems (Punk Hostage Press, 2022) Richard Modiano, Beat Not Beat (Moon Tide Press, 2022) edited by Rich Ferguson, S.A. Griffin, Alexis Rhone Fancher and Kim Shuck, Good Madness is Hard to Come By (Rose of Sharon Press, 2022) by Michael Lane Bruner and S.A. Griffin, Fifth and Wall Street, Skid Row Los Angeles in the 1970s (Rose of Sharon Press, 2022) by Michael Hyatt.
Publications include: The Lost Tribe (1985) with The Lost Tribe, Without Skin (1989) with Justice Howard, A One Legged Man Standing Casually On Hollywood Blvd. Smoking A Cigarette (Shelf Life Press, 1989), etc. (Rose of Sharon Press, 1993), Heaven Is One Long Naked Dance (Rose of Sharon Press, 1994), Alien Landing Pad (Rose of Sharon Press, 1995) with Iris Berry and Pleasant Gehman, Twisted Cadillac (Sacred Beverage Press, 1996) with The Carma Bums, The Bad Thing (Phony Lid Publications, 2000), Unborn Again (Phony Lid, 2001) Duckwalking Thru The Apocalypse (Bottle of Smoke Press, 2003), Armageddon Outta Here! (Rose of Sharon Press, 2004) with The Carma Bums, Harvey Keitel, Harvey Keitel, Harvey Keitel (Butcher Shop Press, Rose of Sharon, Temple of Man, 2005) with John Dorsey and Scott Wannberg, 2 (greenpanda press, 2006) with John Dorsey, Virgin Erotica (greenpanda press, 2006) with John Dorsey, Numbskull Sutra (Rank Stranger Press, 2007), John & Sarah Do D.C. (Bottle of Speech, 2008), The Electric President (Rose of Sharon Press, 2008), The Fucker Inside (Tainted Coffee Press, 2008), They Swear We Don't Exist (Bottle of Smoke, 2010), Dreams Gone Mad With Hope on (Punk Hostage Press, 2014), Harvey Korman Harvey Korman Harvey Korman (Spartan Press, 2017) with John Dorsey and Scott Wannberg, Good Madness is Hard to Come By (Rose of Sharon Press, 2022) Michael Lane Bruner and S.A. Griffin, Pandemic Soul Music (Punk Hostage Press, 2023) with drawings by Robin Lynne Griffin..
Anthologies include: The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Thunders Mouth Press, 1999), Poems From Penny Lane (Farfalla Press, 2004), Beatitude Golden Anniversary 1959-2009 Volume 50 (Beatitude, 2009), Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond (Beyond Baroque Books, 2015), Bottle 1-6 (Bottle of Smoke Press), Cross Strokes: Poetry of Los Angeles and San Francisco (Otis Books, 2015), Maintenant 1-17 (Three Rooms Press) edited by Peter Carlaftes and Kat Georges, Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts Omnibus: Deluxe Edition (Mystic Boxing Commission, 2022), Beat Not Beat (Moon Tide Press, 2022).
Album, Flamethrower of Love (Gritbiscuit Records, 2019).
Archive at UCLA (2015) which includes 200 boxes of periodicials, poetry by various aritsts, The Carma Bums, Scott Wannberg, Beat, Bukowski, mimeo revoultion, punk, California poets, audio, film, photographs, other associated ephemera and two van loads of art by various related artists.
Father, husband, working actor since 1978, Vietnam era vet.
The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Firecracker Award, editor), Best Performance Poet LA Weekly, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Distinguished Service Award.