
Publications & Prizes
- 'Never the Less' winner of Bellevue Literary Review Marica and Jan Vilcek Prize for Poetry (2021),
- ‘The Haints of the Jesús María Visit Their Insurance Agent at the Western State Hospital, Before it became a Penitentiary, Before it became Condos’ runner-up for Breakwater Review Peseroff Poetry Prize (2021),
Retreats & Residencies:
- Hurston/Wright Writers Week (2021),
- Cave Canem Retreat (2019, '22, '23),
- Sundress Academy for the Arts (2023),
- Vermont Studio Center (2023)
Works In Progress:
- ‘The Happy Land Liniment’ (chapbook-length lyric essay and multimedia oral history + field guide)
- TRKLDWN (original poetic form),
- Ungarden Gleanings (multimedia eulogies with a Vermont-based botanist),
- Southside Catechesis (ekphrastic mashups of Gwendolyn Brooks poems with Russell Lee and Edwin Rosskam photos),
- The Deacons (epistolary script),
- Youth Electric (Bibliothèque Bleue-style chapbook),
- Little Hubert & The Couch (children's zine),
- Black Dream Sprouts (Family Residency Project with SPACE at Ryder Farm)
Publication History:
- 2023: Black Sunflowers, Massachusetts Review
- 2022: POETRY Magazine, Ploughshares
- 2021: Another New Calligraphy, Bellevue Literary Review, Breakwater Review, Green Mountains Review: Black Voices, Zoeglossia: Poem of the Week Series
- 2020: The Night Heron Barks
- 2019: Cahoodaloodaling
- 2018: Umbel & Panicle
- 2017: ‘The Attic, The Basement, The Barn’ (Tammy Journal Chapbooks), Rigorous Magazine
- 2016: Pidgeonholes Magazine, Anchor & Plume Press/Kindred Magazine