Editorial Focus
Founded under the name Hill Thoughts in 1941, Hanover College’s literary journal Kennings holds the firm mission to seek out intriguing, moving, and engaging works of poetry, fiction, and art. In recent years Kennings has published in a variety of forms: a once-a-year physical book distributed on Hanover’s campus, online “honorable mentions” and contest winners, and coming soon a read-aloud and discussion podcast to honor its roots titled Kennings: Hill Thoughts.
Tips From the Editor
We accept prose, poetry, and art submissions through the months of August 1 to February 14. Accepted pieces will appear in our print edition of Kennings, which is published once a year in the spring. While we cannot pay contributors at this time, those who are featured in the journal will receive one complimentary copy. We aim to respond to all submissions within six months but feel free to inquire after a month. For art and photography submissions, please submit as a high-resolution JPG file. Please also keep an eye out for contests on our website.