New Works: John Shoptaw & Jenny Odell

11/22/2024 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Celebrate John Shoptaw‘s collection Near-Earth Object (Unbound Edition Press, 2024) with readings and a conversation between Shoptaw and Jenny Odell.

Jenny Odell will read virtually, and John Shoptaw will read in-person, in Kray Hall, with a reception to follow in the Viscusi Reading Room.

Jenny Odell is the author of How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, Inhabiting the Negative Space, and Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Paris Review, The Believer, and Emergence Magazine. Odell has been an artist in residence at Recology SF (otherwise known as the dump), the Internet Archive, and the San Francisco Planning Department, and her visual work has been exhibited internationally. From 2013 to 2021, she taught in the Art Practice department at Stanford University.

John Shoptaw teaches poetry and ecopoetry in the English Department of UC Berkeley, where he is a member of the Environmental Arts & Humanities Initiative and the Berkeley Climate Change Network.  His Times Beach won the Northern California Book Award in Poetry.  He has published poems and essays in The American Poetry Review, Poetry MagazineThe New YorkerKenyon ReviewArionOxford Public Philosophy, and elsewhere.  His poetry is being anthologized in TreelinesThe Ecopoetry Anthology, and The New Sent(i)ence.  Jenny Holzer incorporated a poem of his in her installation at the Salesforce Transit Center.  His Near-Earth Object is now out from Unbound Edition Press.  The foreword, by Jenny Odell, appears online in The Paris Review.

Poets House
10 River Terrace
New York City, NY 10282