Faye Bender of the Book Group Recommends...

Head shot of Faye Bender, smiling in front of a bookshelf full of books

As you read books by writers you admire in a wide variety of categories, make note of who you think does specific things beautifully. Which author uses perfectly placed details to make a character feel real or a scene resonate? Which author writes the kind of snappy dialogue that carries you away in its brisk current? Which author unpeels the onion with an apparently effortless touch? Which author writes the kind of gorgeous sentences that make you break out your highlighter? Keep a running list noting titles and what specifically you admire. When you’re writing your own work and feel stuck or unsure about something, go back to these authors’ books and read for fifteen minutes. Admire what they’ve done, appreciate their skill, and remember that everyone needs a little inspiration from time to time.

Faye Bender, partner, the Book Group

Photo credit: Brettne Bloom

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