Our cover story is an investigative poem profiling poet Frank Lima, whose fourth collection, The Beatitudes, explores the writer's personal relationship with his religion.
September/October 2000
The Resurrection of Frank Lima: An Investigative Poem
A profile of Frank Lima in verse.
How Writers Stay the Course
Meeting the Mind: When to Silence the Inner Critic
Meditation can open the writer's mind.
Paying Attention: Kids Can Show the Way
What writers can learn from their children.
Aging Well: Why Older Is Better
Aging can be an advantage, not a handicap.
News and Trends
Fence Parlays Lit Mag Into Books
Fence magazine founder Rebecca Wolff launches Fence Books.
Lexicon 2000
A look at contemporary lexicography, or how dictionaries are updated every year.
E-mail Drive Saves Poetry Northwest
MFA students prevent Poetry Northwest's closure through an e-mail campaign involving major writers.
Stanley Kunitz Accepts Poet Laureate Post
Ninety-five-year-old writer Stanley Kunitz succeeds Robert Pinsky as U.S. poet laureate.
ABA's Best-seller List Gains Ground
Several of the nation's midrange newspapers have plans to drop more prestigious best-seller lists in favor of the American Booksellers Association's Book Sense list.
The Practical Writer
Research and the Fiction Writer: Perils, Pleasures, and Pitfalls
Authors offer tips for the literary researcher.
Publicity Primer: The Basics Every Writer Should Know
How books are promoted in the current publishing market.
The Literary Life
The Art of Reading Lorrie Moore: Keeping Our Wit About Us
How Lorrie Moore incorporates humor into her work.
Metromania: The Days of Future Past
Goverments of social-democratic countries such as Canada, France, Germany, and Austria have a history of supporting the arts in order to build national brand identity.