Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:
Jhumpa Lahiri discusses her favorite novelists and why there is no such thing as immigrant fiction. (New York Times)
Shaj Mathew visits an exhibit of Roberto Bolaño's unpublished work in Barcelona, Spain, and gains new insight into the idiosyncratic author’s mind. (Guernica)
Sarah Marty-Schlipf teaches a creative writing class to women in jail and learns more than anyone. (Rumpus)
The Millions interviews novelist Elliott Holt, revealing her thoughts on Twitter, writing as a means of coping, and never going out to lunch.
Learn what happens to the brain duing the creative process as the Huffington Post delves into the nature of creativity.
U.S. District Court judge issues verdict in the case against Apple manipulating the price of e-books. (GalleyCat)
The New Yorker explores the surge of J.D. Salinger into the cultural spotlight and examines his life, his writing, and new biography.