Editorial Focus
NDSU Press publishes regional scholarship and literary contributions. Their region includes the Red River Valley, the state of North Dakota, the Great Plains of the United States and the Prairies of Canada, and comparable regions of other continents. Works published by the press address regional life directly. Such works contribute to scholarly knowledge of region (that is, discovery of new knowledge) or to public consciousness of region (that is, dissemination of information or interpretation of regional experience).
Tips From the Editor
Please send your work as a Word document, uploaded to our Submittable portal. Your submission should consist of two documents: your cover letter and your mansucript. Please remove your name from your manuscript. Your cover letter should briefly describe your work, contain a paragraph about what inspired you to write this work, and describe who you see as your potential audience. We conduct in-house reviews; manuscripts passing this first stage are sent out for double-blind peer review. We host an annual chapbook competition, Poetry of the Plains & Prairies (POPP) Award, taking submissions Jan. 17 to March 17. No fees.