Ten Questions

Read weekly interviews with authors to learn the inside stories of how their books were written, edited, and published; insights into the creative process; the best writing advice they’ve ever heard; and more.

Ten Questions for Jeff VanderMeer

Jeff VanderMeer

“Writing—the writing it down—has increasingly become the least important part of the process. Living in the world of the novel, existing as the characters, viewing the day-to-day from their perspective, is the most important thing.” —Jeff VanderMeer, author of Dead Astronauts

Ten Questions for Nina MacLaughlin

Nina MacLaughlin

“Much of the book I had no recollection of writing, and it was strange to be confronted with what I’d done, as though I was getting access to parts of my mind I hadn’t known existed.” —Nina MacLaughlin, author of Wake, Siren

Ten Questions for Jonathan Vatner

by Staff

“I ride a commuter train forty minutes each way to work. That’s when I write. Having to come to the page twice a day for short bursts gets me writing very fast; there’s very little wasted time. I’ve never been so productive in my life.” — Jonathan Vatner, author of Carnegie Hill

Ten Questions for Jess Row

by Staff

“Writers are artists, which means that...we have to work hard to protect our creative time, our imaginations, in the midst of all the other parts of our lives.” —Jess Row, author of White Flights

Ten Questions for Courtney Maum

by Staff

“Listen, it can’t feel magical every day, of course, but writing does have the potential to be an act of joy.” —Courtney Maum, author of Costalegre

Ten Questions for Helen Phillips

by Staff

“I have never before written something where the primary challenge was not one of craft or character or structure but rather of emotion.” —Helen Phillips, author of The Need
