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Poets & Writers Groups

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GenX Women Memoir Accountability Group

Did you grow up on a steady diet of the Brady Bunch and After School Specials? Do you/did you listen to Brit Pop from the 80s and 90s, grunge, and what they are now calling "classic rock"? Are you in the throes of peri-menopause and menopause? Did you read Sassy Magazine? Then this group might be for you. I'm looking for other like-minded published journalists who have decided to explore writing memoirs and/or personal essays.

This bi-monthly group is intentionally small (8 people max) and generative. We will spend about  45 minutes writing and 15 minutes giving feedback and discussing the practice of writing. We will take turns reading and giving feedback. Please reach out to me with a little bit about you, samples of your published work, and what you are hoping to gain from joining this group. 

United States
District Of Columbia
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Creative Nonfiction, Nonfiction, Pop Culture
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Have workshop experience
Members identify as: 
Group meets for: 
Accountability partners
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member

1Pad1Pen Poetry Group

Hello, my name is Calvin! I go by the pen name Jonah Cross, and I am 22 years old. I am actively looking for a small group of individuals to form a poetry group centered around discussions and critiques of eachothers poetry. My writing style tends to lean into young adult, autobiographical retellings or commentaries on personal experiences. If you have adjacent poetic interests, we meet on Discord!

Hope to see ya there stranger! :)

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Fiction, Love, Poetry, Young Adult
Preferred group size: 
Group meets for: 
Critique, Encouragement, Inspiration, Discussion
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 5 members

Catholic Writers

Welcome! This is a group where Catholic creative writers will be able to congregate, workshop their writing, and encourage each other in their writing. The vision for this group is for each member to submit one writing sample each month (short story, poem, chapter of a novel, etc.) and get feedback and encouragement from the group. All genres of creative writing are welcome. The goal is to keep everyone accountable to continue writing, get valuable feedback, and create a community of fellow Catholic writers to encourage and support one another. More details will be added as members join and share their preferences - stay tuned, and God bless!

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Short Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Members identify as: 
Group meets for: 
Critique, Workshop, Accountability partners
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 2 members

Award-Winning Writers Group

Modeled after a group whose members have won three major awards in six years.

Your goal might be different. Maybe you want to get into a top-five MFA program. Or publish a story. Or sell your book. Or sign an agent.

Highly structured workshops. Goal-oriented. Weekly Zoom meetings.

The group’s highly selective. But don’t let that discourage you. We’re more interested in your dedication to improve than your experience.

Only requirement is to have been writing consistently for at least two years.

All genres, ages, and genders welcome. Just as long as you write fiction.

You must be able to commit at least five hours each week to the group—three for the meeting and at least two for reading and preparing feedback. We take this very seriously.

If interested, please send an email to howwouldbilledoit [at] A sample of work and answers to some basic questions will then be requested.

Get in before it closes.

We’re all in this together.

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genre of interest: 
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Have workshop experience
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member

Friendly Fun Poetry Critique

This group will offer constructive criticism of poems that are works-in-progress. I would like members to be able to post poems online so that the group can then offer comments online; online meetings will also be a part of the group. I'm sure it will evolve as we get to know what we all want. The emphasis being on finding out which parts of our poems work and which are not working quite so well and suggestions for changes/improvements. So . . .  kind, constructive suggestions; no nastiness will be tolerated. The main purpose as far as I'm concerned is to improve my writing. Oh, and of course, to have fun!  Let's have some FUN!!!

United Kingdom
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genre of interest: 
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Have workshop experience
Group meets for: 
Critique, Encouragement, Tips
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 6 members

Sweet LGBTea Writers

A queer/trans friendly central Alabama writers group - any kind of writing welcome!

Birmingham, AL
United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online, Meets In Person
Genres of interest: 
Autobiography/Memoir, BIPOC Voices, Commercial Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Cross-genre, Erotica, Experimental, Feminist, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Formal Poetry, Graphic/Illustrated, Historical, Humor, Journalism/Investigative Reporting, LGBTQ Voices, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Micro-poetry, Narrative Nonfiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Political, Pop Culture, Prose Poetry, Regional, Religious/Spiritual, Serialized Fiction, Short Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Speculative Poetry, Young Adult
Preferred group size: 
Members identify as: 
BIPOC, Feminist, LGBTQ
Group meets for: 
Critique, Workshop, Writing exercises, Encouragement, Inspiration, Accountability partners, Discussion, Tips
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member

The Quill

As a child of the world, having grown up in Asia and currently living in France, I am looking for people of a similar background :

Having an openness to the world, ideally a multicultural background, and interested in writing about anything and everything.

The goal of the group is to write about whatever strikes up a passion in the members, and sharing around that. Since I've just leant back into writing after a time away from it, there is no particular objective as of yet to this group.

Just sharing, caring and discussing stuff that motivates and fuels us.

Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Fiction, Humor, Translation
Preferred group size: 
Group members:Currently has 4 members


A group focused on Science Fiction. Fictions from micro, flash, novella, to full novel.

Inclusive group from amateur to professional.

Will update this more. Just wanted to get this group started.

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Experimental, Fiction, Short Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 7 members

Experienced Writers of Literary Fiction, working on publication

I'm trying to create a writer's group for advanced literary fiction writers, working on publication. I'm hoping group members can submit work for review on at least a twice a month basis and provide critiques within 30 days of group submissions. I am in EST so I'm looking for an evening or Saturday or Sunday evening group time - TBD. Please contact me if you're interested. You'll be asked to submit a short story or 10-20 pages of your work in progress.

South Haven, MI
United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Micro-poetry, Narrative Nonfiction, Short Fiction, Speculative Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Published in literary journal
Members identify as: 
Asian American
Group meets for: 
Workshop, Submissions, Encouragement, Accountability partners, Discussion
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member

The Creative Common Room

The Creative Common Room is a weekly ritual, a loving community, and a sacred space for inspiration and soft accountability.

We meet online every Saturday from 9 to 10:30 AM Central Time to ritualize our creative practice. Sessions begin with guided grounding in breath and body. We then transition to setting personal aims for the session. If you're looking to experiment, there will be prompts and exercises provided. After our solo making time, we'll link back up to share inspiration, resources, and insights.

What we invest in, we show up for. The drop-in cost is $10. $25 for monthly subscription access to all Creative Common Rooms, plus bonus offerings like open mics and critique circles. Making the Common Room cost-based is an extra step to encourage accountability in creative practice. 

To learn more or sign up, visit this hyperlink:

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Creative Nonfiction, Cross-genre, Fiction, Lyric Essay, Poetry
Preferred group size: 
Group meets for: 
Encouragement, Inspiration, Accountability partners, Discussion
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 6 members
