Theater video tags: Button Poetry/Exploding Pinecone Press

Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib


Poet and essayist Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib reads his poem “When I Say That Loving Me Is Kind of Like Being a Chicago Bulls Fan” from his debut poetry collection, The Crown Ain’t Worth Much (Button Poetry/Exploding Pinecone Press, 2016), at the Sheen Center in New York. His debut essay collection, They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us (Two Dollar Radio, 2017), uses music and culture as a lens to view the world.


Ode to Prince


“Anything wet and eager enough to consume the skin can be called a baptism.” In this video from Button Poetry, Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib reads “Ode to Prince” from his debut poetry collection, The Crown Ain’t Worth Much (Button Poetry/Exploding Pinecone Press, 2016).

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