Theater video tags: discussion

Hanif Abdurraqib and Eve L. Ewing


In this 2024 Writers on Writing event hosted by the Newberry Library and StoryStudio Chicago, Hanif Abdurraqib and Eve L. Ewing discuss their literary careers, the craft of writing, and how they tackle the complexities of art and activism.

2024 Eric Williams Memorial Lecture: Danez Smith


In this event from the 2024 Eric Williams Memorial Lecture, Danez Smith reads from their work and discusses the poetics of resistance and rebellion with Jennifer M. Wilks, director of the John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.


Agents and Editors on the Secrets of Publishing


In this virtual event hosted by the Strand Book Store, Sue Shapiro, author of The Forgiveness Tour: How to Find the Perfect Apology (Skyhorse, 2021), leads a conversation about best practices for pitching, submitting, and querying with agents and editors including Miya Lee, Rakesh Satyal, and Howard Yoon.

Breaking the Panel: Women Reshaping the Comic Universe


In this New York Public Library event, comic book writers and artists Amy Chu, Arielle Jovellanos, Soo Lee, and Amy Reeder talk about character development and the diverse and influential roles women play in shaping the world of comics at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library in New York.


Celebrating Katherine Min


In this Green Apple Books event, Kayla Min Andrews reads from her late mother Katherine Min’s posthumous novel, The Fetishist (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2024), and discusses the history of her mother’s original manuscript and the book’s poignant themes of race and femininity in a conversation with Cathy Park Hong.


Kiley Reid on Come and Get It


In this event hosted by the Free Library of Philadelphia, Kiley Reid reads from her second novel, Come and Get It (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2024), and discusses what it means to have an artistic responsibility to truth in a conversation with Niela Orr. Come and Get It is featured in Page One in the January/February issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Fully Booked Chats: Ocean Vuong


“I think I expect to suffer here, and my goal then is to suffer well or suffer skillfully.” In this conversation with Dawn Lanuza for the Fully Booked Chats series, Ocean Vuong discusses the differences between writing poems and novels, the question of whether literature can heal, and the story behind his name Ocean.

Emily Wilson: The Iliad


In this 2023 London Review of Books event, Emily Wilson reads from and discusses her translation of The Iliad by Homer, published in September by Norton, and how she wishes to present Homer to a new generation in a conversation with classicist and historian Edith Hall. Passages from Wilson’s translation are also read by actors Tobias Menzies and Juliet Stevenson.

Rachel Heng: The Great Reclamation


In this episode of Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast hosted by Miwa Messer, author Rachel Heng discusses her latest novel, The Great Reclamation (Riverhead Books, 2023), and talks about writing fiction that is both historical and speculative, and how she uses notecards to organize writing her gargantuan novels.



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