Theater video tags: Carmen Maria Machado

Carmen Maria Machado: In the Dream House


In this 2019 Politics and Prose Bookstore event, award-winning author Carmen Maria Machado reads from her memoir, In the Dream House (Graywolf Press, 2019), and discusses her challenges writing a second-person narrative and how she delicately confronted traumatic memories in a conversation with author Jeannie Vanasco.

Carmen Maria Machado at the Kelly Writers House


“You were not always just a You. I was whole—a symbiotic relationship between my best and worst parts—and then, in one sense of the definition, I was cleaved.” In this reading at the Kelly Writers House in 2020, Carmen Maria Machado reads from her debut memoir, In the Dream House (Graywolf Press, 2019).

Binc All-Star Fundraiser Reading


In this Center for Fiction video, Brian Gresko, host of Lit Hub’s Antibody: A Quarantine Reading Series, moderates this all-star fundraiser reading for the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (Binc) featuring Jericho Brown, Carmen Maria Machado, Celese Ng, and Karen Russell.

Carmen Maria Machado on Magic


“How do you tell interesting stories? You puncture through reality and you let magic and weird stuff and ghosts bleed back through.” In this video, Carmen Maria Machado talks about the influence Gabriel García Márquez’s Hundred Years of Solitude had on her writing with Jared Arraes and Adriana Couto at the 2019 International Literary Festival of Paraty in Brazil. A profile of Machado by Jera Brown appears in the November/December issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

Jennifer Egan and Carmen Maria Machado


Jennifer Egan, author of Manhattan Beach (Scribner, 2017), and Carmen Maria Machado, author of Her Body and Other Parties (Graywolf Press, 2017), speak backstage at the Free Library of Philadelphia about the greatest pleasures of writing fiction.

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